Clubfoot or Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (C.T.E.V.) is a genetic or acquired birth defect that can be mild to severe and pain levels range from zero/little to very severe depending on the type of CTEV a.k.a. Clubfoot, overall severity and quality of past treatments. It affects one or both feet and other underlying conditions may be present that may increase patient complexity. All Rights Reserved Copyright A. Van Rooyen 2013

What Causes Clubfoot?
The causes of clubfoot are multi-factorial ranging from genetic to environmental influences.



Clubfoot Treatments
A variety of treatment methods are researched at CRF.Org as it is unlikely that one treatment will be effective for all types of clubfoot. A lot of research still needs to be done in both CTEV and its co-morbid disorders to identify the genetic disease overlap and optimal therapy targets. Varied products in use are illustrated below!